Trinity Lutheran Church Perkasie, PA
Empowering. Inspiring. Connecting.
The mission of Trinity Lutheran Church is to be an active, caring Lutheran family sharing God's love and gifts through worship, service and fellowship. Our vision is to have others see Christ in us and know Christ through us.
Worship Services
9:30 AM In-person Worship
9:30 AM Facebook Live Worship
Connect with us on Facebook at Trinity Lutheran Church, Perkasie.
9:30 AM Worship Phone Line
Dial in and listen to worship every Sunday at 215-258-9701

Through all the passing years, O Lord, grant that, when church bells are ringing, many may come to hear your Word, who here this promise is bringing: “I know my own, my own know me; you, not the world, my face shall see; my peace I leave with you. Amen.”
— Built on a Rock, ELW 652 v.5
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