Ministries & Groups
Let us build a house where love can dwell and all can safely live,
a place where saints and children tell how hearts learn to forgive.
Built of hopes and dreams and visions, rock of faith and vault of grace;
here the love of Christ shall end divisions:
All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place.
– Marty Haugen, ELW #641
Faith Fellowship
Shaping of the community we share though fellowship-based events held about once per month for people of all ages. Each program year will offer monthly “All Are Welcome” events for members and surrounding community alike. An informational schedule will be published prior to the start of the programming year outlining each month, September through May. There will also be regular invitations to offer your gifts in various ways to support these events. Events include our Trunk-or-Treat & Drive-in Movie, Christmas Café, Chili Cook-Off & Game Night, Easter Egg Hunt, and more!
Faith Conversation
Shaping the community we share through learning, deep conversation and faith-based reflection. Various events for different interests and groups are offered with regular learning opportunities including Adult Bible Study, Pub Theology, Adult Forums, book studies, etc. These are opportunities to further explore our faith through learning and devoted conversation. Invitations are shared through regular schedules, announcements and Facebook posts.
Join us on Sundays, where we have a children’s time during worship. Activity pages or hands-on activities after children’s time.
Also, coloring pages and worship on televisions in the parlor and nursery help you stay connected to worship even when you need to roam!
Young people are also invited to participate in worship leadership in various roles with adult mentorship including assisting with the presentation of our online worship option, acolyte and crucifer activities during service, and more!
Additional offerings include First Holy Communion, Confirmation, & ELCA Youth Gathering.
Worship & Music
Music has been the heart of Trinity since our consecration in 1892. For those with a passion for music among us, our current offerings include:
Chancel Choir: Leading the weekly 9:30AM worship service, September through May, the Chancel Choir of Trinity is comprised of the young adult and veteran singers amongst our community. Rehearsals are Wednesday evening from 7:30PM-9PM in the sanctuary. From unison to eight part harmony, from a capella to full accompaniment, the Chancel Choir roots our service with weekly hymn leadership and regular offertory anthem.
Work beyond the walls of Trinity has always been an integral component of the fabric of our congregation.
We are dedicated supporters of the mission of the Pennridge FISH food pantry and Pennridge RamPacks (food-filled backpacks supplied to Pennridge students in an effort to combat food insecurity).
Meal Ministry offers a well-timed gift to those who are experiencing illness, recovering from surgery, mourning the loss of a loved one, or welcoming the birth of a baby.
Trinity regularly participates in larger Perkasie area events including Pennridge Community Day, and more!
Our partnership with Grace Inspired Ministries offers fellowship, comfort, and care with the older members of our community at the Lutheran Community at Telford and the Community at Rockhill.
Just Older Youth! Trinity’s Senior Adult Ministry offers an opportunity for the older youth of our community to engage in activities such as bible studies, luncheon gatherings, and local trips & tours.
God’s Gals, affectionately known as G2, is an all women’s ministry centered around the empowerment of women! Aside from fellowship, each G2 event will include a service or outreach opportunity.