News and Events

JOY Group

Heartwarming Lunch

Friday, February 14th from 12noon until 2pm, the JOY (Just Older Youth) Group will hold a “Heartwarming Luncheon”.  Please bring your own sandwich/salad. Beverages, chips and dessert will be provided. After lunch, join in the fun with games and bingo. Doors open at 11:30am. Please RSVP to Rena Rohrbaugh at 267-624-4832 by Sunday, February 9th.

Trinity Concert Series Returns!

Word on Wednesday: Lectionary Bible Study

Meal Ministry @ Trinity

A well-timed meal delivered by church members is one of the best gifts imaginable to those who are experiencing illness, recovering from surgery or injuries, mourning the loss of a loved one, or welcoming the birth of a baby.

If you are willing to have your name added to a list of those who might provide an occasional meal to another Trinity member or family, please contact Deacon Deb.